3 Incisive Questions I ask engineers managed by a CTO as art of their skills gap analysis:

✓ Did you trust the CTO to speak for the engineers or shield the engineers from the pressures coming down from the csuite? If yes, why, if no, why not?

✓ Did you feel safe to give him/her negative feedback? If yes, how did s/he create a safe environment for you to feel able to do this?

✓ How did s/he respond when someone in the engineering team had better tech chops than her/him?

What would you like to know if I did a strategic CTO skills gap analysis for your CTO or for you, as the CTO?

#cto #ceo #reengineeringleadership #leadingpeople



Adelina Chalmers a.k.a The Geek Whisperer

Helps Engineers who are Leaders (CEO/ CTO/ VP) get buy-in from their peers/teams/investors by transforming Communication techniques into Algorithms